“But Peter said, “I have no silver and gold, but what I do have I give to you. In the name of Jesus Christ of Nazareth, rise up and walk!” Acts 3:6
Stacks of mission letters piled high beckon responses. How can I send money to all these people? Wedding invitations, baby showers, and graduation announcements leave me feeling overwhelmed. How can I give to all these people? Funds are tight, yet I want to honor the folks fulfilling God given dreams.
I stumble upon the story of a lame man begging for money. Who does he hold out his tin cup out to? Jesus’ disciples, Peter and John. Neither of these men’s pockets contained much money. This didn’t hinder the beggar’s plea. Needy people lined the gate outside the temple in hopes coins would be dropped in their cups before being deposited in the sanctuary. Such was the case of the lame man who locked eyes with God’s messengers. While desperate men and women cried out for help, this man somehow grabbed attention. Spokesman Peter gazed at him, uttering a startling statement. “I don’t have any money, but what I do have, I’ll give you.” In the name of Jesus, Peter commands the lame man to walk. Extending a hand, the bold one helps the weak to rise and walk. Leaping followed walking. Praising followed suit.
Jesus had previously disclosed some information to the disciples. He would give them power to accomplish even greater things than He had done. Peter and John experienced the prophecy. If Peter had been shortsighted, he may have just passed the man without a second glance. Purse strings didn’t dominate Peter’s actions. The power of God prevailed. Peter didn’t dole out excuses. No, He allowed the Holy Spirit to raise the man in need.
So often we allow money to dictate our giving or restraint to give anything at all. While monetary gifts are great, the power of prayer can be the greatest gift of all. Words of encouragement may fill a needy heart. A simple card filled with expressions of love may bring a healing money could never buy. The power of God released through us may release a miracle of its own.
I pray shortsightedness doesn’t keep the stacks of letters and invitations from crippling me. Whatever God shows me to give, be it of monetary worth or spiritual, I pray to believe and be open to the power of His Spirit!