Daughters of the King
Every woman desires to know she is special and loved unconditionally. Psalm 45 is a beautiful expression of how the King of Kings longs to lavish His love on us, His daughters. This three session retreat titles are Daughters of the King -Who Is She; What Does She Look Like; Where Is She Going? (three 50 minute sessions)
little but, Big But (or Who’s the Boss?)
Life often throws us for a loop and we find ourselves crying out to God and even question what He is up to. No matter what we are facing He is still in control and has our best interests at heart. (50-60 minutes session)
A Woman of Passion and Purpose
What comes to your mind when you hear the word passion? If it is something from a steamy romance novel, then think again. Websters defines it along with suffering and intense emotion. Couple passion and purpose together and you have a woman such as Abigail. Through life’s challenges she had an unwaivering faith in God that gave her strength and character that we as women should long for. (45-50 minutes)
The Word of God Speaks Have you ever heard the voice of God? Do you know how to listen for His voice? Many women desire to hear from God personally. His Word, the Bible, is a love letter to us and contains practical instruction for daily living. In this presentation, Dawn encourages you how to become an active listener to the voice of God, to pursue His Word like a lifeline, and to watch it become real in the situations you face daily. (50-60 minutes)
Hospitality Websters defines it as a cordial reception of guests. The Bible defines it as a love of strangers. In a hurried, busy society even well meaning Christians have neglected to reach out and show hospitality to those who may need it most. Come learn the difference between mere entertaining an showing Bibical hospitality. (45 minute session)
The Names of God Scripture makes 603 references to the name of God. His name is used probably more than any other name. Who do we say He is and what kind of God do we serve? (50 minute session)
A Bride Ready
What does it mean to be the bride of Christ? Are you ready for His return like an anxious bride? In this session, Dawn parallels ancient Jewish wedding customs of the bridegroom’s purchase of his bride to Christ, the bridegroom, and His purchase of us as believers. Come discover what it means to become the beautiful bride of Christ as you prepare for the marriage of the Lamb. (60 minutes)
Running From GodLife can be difficult and demanding. You may feel like God has forgotten you or is asking way too much of you. Maybe you would just like to run away to escape from the pressures you are facing. Jonah did! Come find out how to deal with anger and develop intimacy with a God who speaks, listens, directs and desires. (60 minute talk or 3-4 session retreat)
What Tree Are You Eating From Anyway? Adam and Eve were not the only people faced with the choice of two trees in their garden to eat from. In front of you daily are fruits from the Tree of Life, Jesus Christ, or destructive fruit that the enemy dangles in your face, tempting you to fall. In this session, Dawn identifies common lies we listen to and teaches how to walk away from lies and toward the Life Giver! (50-60 minutes)
FEAR – False Evidence Appearing Real
As a little child you may have harbored fears about monsters, going into a dark room, or just being left alone. As an adult you may have out grown those fears and traded them in for new ones. The truth is we all can identify at least one thing we may fear but is what we fear the truth? Dawn will address distinguishing fears from falsehoods and how to fight back with faith. (50-60 minutes)