
“Let us hold fast the confession of our hope without wavering, for He who promised is faithful.” Hebrews 10:23


Bonnie Tyler took the radio charts by storm in 1984. She belted out the lyrics about holding out for a hero. Her qualifications for such a person were “gi-normous.” He’s characterized as a human with Hercules strength and speed. A person – “larger than life.” Yet, fresh from a fight, he’d appear on a white steed to rescue her. And Ms. Tyler’s song kept young woman in the belief this hero existed somewhere out there. Many were disillusioned with their mates or in the search for one. This superhero only exists in movies, romance novels, and comic books.

In all honesty, I raise my hand as guilty of trying to hold humans up to some superhero status. My high expectations have crashed with the strength and speed mentioned in the lyrics. Why? Because no person born with the DNA of biological parents can meet up to the required standards in a song. I’m flawed. We’re all flawed human beings. We rise and fall in our strengths. Every single one of us!

As a young woman in my twenties my hero swept me off my feet. I took a ride on his white steed. However, my story didn’t end with the “happily ever after” quote. Devastation and despair engulfed me. In my efforts to recover, I picked up the Bible. I read about the One who came to live and die for me. A pastor’s comfort came in the following statement, “If you were the only person ever born, Jesus would’ve left the throne room of heaven and come down to die on the cross just for you.”

I woke up from the daydream that an earthly hero existed to meet all my needs and affirm me to the fullest. My discovery – only Christ can raise me up, meet my every need, and love me the way my heart desires.

Ms. Tyler held out for a hero. I doubt he ever appeared. I’m holding on to mine. “For he who promised is faithful.”

Holding On
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