“No, despite all these things, overwhelming victory is ours through Christ, who loved us.” Romans 8:37

My parents never dreamed they’d birth seven daughters. They adjusted well, filling our home to overflow with baskets of baby dolls, miniature kitchens, cribs, rocking chairs… My sisters and I spent many hours acting as little mommies, cuddling and nurturing our babies. None of us ever dreamed or planned to wind up as single moms. Didn’t all of our story books end with, “And they lived happily ever after”?

As a young woman I landed the role of “single mom.” Waking up and going to bed alone frightened me. Raising a child alone – a hefty job, not for the faint-hearted. During this time I learned more about my God, my Creator, my Redeemer and Sustainer. Isaiah 54:5 comforted me:

“For your Maker is your husband—
the Lord Almighty is his name—
the Holy One of Israel is your Redeemer;
he is called the God of all the earth.”

God arose as my husband. His love endured – faithful and unconditional each morning. His strong arm held me in weak moments. He provided when the bills loomed large but the paycheck small. He gave wisdom as I made decisions which would affect the future of my child. He surrounded me with godly friends and family to assist when I needed a break. Bonuses appeared on my paycheck at holidays and birthdays enabling me to buy from my daughter’s wish list. We never missed a meal and even fed others who were in need. God acted as both husband and father to His two needy girls.

Years have passed since my role as a single mom. God brought me a loving, faithful, earthly husband. I believe he’s my “til death do us part” man. Yet as wonderful as he is, my Maker and Husband, the Lord Almighty is the only One who equips me to walk in victory.

Single. widowed, or divorced, His hand  leads us  through life with overwhelming victory.

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3 thoughts on “BABY DOLL MOMMIES

  • September 7, 2015 at 8:10 pm

    A wonderfully encouraging post for all women!

  • September 1, 2015 at 10:41 am

    A touching encouragement for all single moms.

    • September 1, 2015 at 10:44 am

      Thanks so much for your post!

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