“But he said to me, “My grace is sufficient for you, for my power is made perfect in weakness.” Therefore I will boast all the more gladly of my weaknesses, so that the power of Christ may rest upon me.” 2 Cor. 12:9

Today was “Body Pump Class” day. Three times a week I endure an hour of rigorous exercise which includes squats and lunges while holding a bar bell full of heavy weights. I sweat and cringe to the music.

Today, after a grueling set of lunges, I hoped the instructor was going to let us catch our breath. I was wrong. She sent us into jump up squats and called it active recovery. My plans of recovery were to lie on the floor and be mopped up by the janitor some time before closing! I learned something about myself though. While my flesh wanted to give up and go home, my resolve kicked in and I finished the class.

The term active recovery can be applied to the times in my life when the going gets tough and I desire to throw in the towel. I’ve waited for what seemed like an eternity on people to get their “act together.” They didn’t. Just when I was about to give up on them, God gave me the burst I needed to actively recover from hurt or disgust so I could cross the finish line intact. That burst is called grace. It is sufficient to lead me to a destination, a restoration, and a culmination of all my days on earth.

I often under estimate what my endurance capacity is. However, when I remember God’s faithfulness and grace in past circumstances, I can be assured He is unchanging. He will lead me victoriously through whatever challenges life throws at me. And His grace, it will be sufficient in my weakness.

Active Recovery
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