“Whoever gives an honest answer kisses the lips.” Proverbs 24:26

Do we want honest answers to our questions? Are we prepared to hear truth? Don’t answer too hastily…
Recently I was posed these questions on a panel discussion. Each person had a different answer. Some didn’t want to hear the truth. Others only wanted the truth spoken in love (this is the Biblical way to speak after all). Sometimes the truth hurts even when spoken in the kindest way. We tend to toy with situations in our minds and arrive at certain conclusions. We ask others their thoughts. If their opinions contradict our thoughts or plans, we may discount or disconnect from those whose advice may be beneficial.
Outsiders may see something we are blind to, because of our enmeshment in the situation. A helicopter view sees the parade from beginning to end. Participants are caught up in their present situation – a limited view.
A mind made up resembles a walled up city. No entrances, no exits. Without help from the outside, a self contained city may erode from within. God made us for communion, defined as: fellowship, joint participation, and contribution.
Each of us is born with the need to be loved and to love. Ultimately, these desires can be filled by God alone. As Creator, He knows our inmost thoughts. He is aware of our need for human touch and interaction. Advice accompanied with wisdom and love is invaluable.
Love is often expressed by a kiss on the lips – an intimate gesture. An honest answer can be received as a kiss on the lips.
Give love, receive love, speak love.

*Photo courtesy of ID100292159